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Auto Also Read Post Adder For Blogger

Auto Also Read Post Adder For Blogger


Blogger is best platform for newbie who want to start a free website for earning money.

Blogger will be best choice for everyone who don’t have custom domain and want to monetize website

  • Features of blogger
  • Not required any custom domain
  • Easy Adsense Approval
  • Not Required Hosting
  • Easy Interface
  • Not required Lots Of Knowledge

So Here is the code which will add also read widget which provide random posts

Benefits Of This

  • Engage users
  • increase read time
  • Provide extra page views
  • Incrrease ads impression
  • Improve your seo
  • Increase page view


Installation is very easy

  • Go to blogger dashboard
  • Select your website
  • Go to layout
  • Click on add a gadget
  • Select html/JavaScript
  • Copy paste the code
  • Make sure you have updated the link

Change this ‘https://YOUR-BLOG-URL’ on script with your blog url

Don’t update full url only update domain

Let me know if you face any error

It will Look Like This

<div id="random-posts-container">
    <h2 class="random-posts-heading">Also Read</h2>
    <div id="random-posts">
        <!-- This div will display the random posts -->

    /* Style the random posts container */
    #random-posts-container {
        background-color: #f0f0f0;
        padding: 20px;
        border: 1px solid #ddd;
        border-radius: 5px;
        box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);

    /* Style the random posts heading */
    .random-posts-heading {
        font-size: 24px;
        color: #ff0000; /* Red color for the heading */
        margin-bottom: 10px;

    /* Style the random post links */
    #random-posts a {
        display: block;
        margin-bottom: 10px;
        font-size: 18px;
        color: #007bff; /* Blue color for post links */
        text-decoration: none;
        transition: color 0.3s;

    #random-posts a:hover {
        color: #0056b3; /* Hover color for post links */

<script type="text/javascript">
    function displayRandomPosts(data) {
        var randomPosts = [];
        var maxPosts = 5; // Change this to the number of random posts you want to display

        for (var i = 0; i < maxPosts; i++) {
            var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * data.feed.entry.length);
            var postTitle = data.feed.entry[randomIndex].title.$t;
            var postLink = data.feed.entry[randomIndex].link[4].href;
            randomPosts.push('<a href="' + postLink + '">' + postTitle + '</a>');
            data.feed.entry.splice(randomIndex, 1);

        document.getElementById('random-posts').innerHTML = randomPosts.join('');

<script src="https://YOUR-BLOG-URL/feeds/posts/default?alt=json-in-script&max-results=100&callback=displayRandomPosts"></script>

Make sure to replace YOUR-BLOG-URL with the actual URL of your Blogger blog.


This code fetches a list of posts from your blog’s feed and then randomly selects and displays a specified number of post titles with links. It will engage more users to your blog and also increase page impression. I hope you are liking our posts . donate us some money to keep website active.

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