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Auto Refresh Website Script For Blogger

Auto Refresh Website Script For Blogger


Blogger is free platform for the users which provides a lots of features to the users and also provide free cdn and not required any type of hosting. It is free to use and best for the new people who want to earn money through blogging

You don’t need to buy any custom domain because you will get adsense approval with default domain like example.blogspot.com

It is fully free not required any type of extra service charges for the website.


  • It Is Free Of Cost
  • Easy Setup
  • Comfortable Layout And Easy To Use
  • Fully Based On Html And Java Script
  • Easy To Custome Codes
  • Fast Andsense Approval
  • There is lots Of Features


  1. Log in to your Blogger account
  2. Go To Blogger Dashboard.
  3. Edit Your Blogger Template
  4. Click on the blog you want to edit.
  5. In the left sidebar, click on “Theme” (or “Theme” > “Customize” depending on your Blogger version).
  6. In the Theme Editor, click on “Edit HTML.”
  7. Add the JavaScript code just before </head> tag
If copy give credits to D3vX.in

<script type="text/javascript">
  // Function to reload the page every 10 seconds
  function reloadPage() {
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 10000); // 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds)

  // Call the reloadPage function to start the timer

Auto Refresh Website Script For Blogger

What does it do to your website ?

It will refresh the page automatically after every 10 second

#Warning : Time is set to 10 Second , Increase it

Else your website view will be count as spam

Using this you will get extra views that will help you to achieve page impressions and chance to increase ad revenue

Use It at your own risk

Make sure you have adsense approval. Don’t use this to get approval

You can try but atleast set timer to 40 second


In this article we share a Auto Refresh Website Script For Blogger which automatically refresh the page after your desire time . It just a java script, use it at your own risk , this website will not take any responsibility for any damage to website

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