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New Google Spam Policy October ? Hitted By Spam Update ?

Google Spam Policy October

Google is constantly updating its spam policy to keep up with the latest trends and tactics used by spammers. In 2023, Google made a number of significant changes to its spam policy, including:

  • New focus on user experience: Google is now placing a greater emphasis on user experience when determining whether a website is spam. This means that websites that are difficult to navigate, have misleading or inaccurate content, or are otherwise frustrating for users are more likely to be labeled as spam.
  • Crackdown on link spam: Google is also taking a tougher stance on link spam, which is the practice of building links to a website in an unnatural or manipulative way. Link spam can be used to try to improve a website’s ranking in Google search results, but it is ultimately harmful to users because it can lead them to low-quality websites.
  • More aggressive targeting of spammers: Google is now using more aggressive techniques to identify and target spammers. This includes using machine learning to identify patterns of spammy behavior and taking down websites that are found to be repeatedly violating Google’s spam policy.

Read Google Search Essential

What this means for website owners

The new Google spam policy has a number of implications for website owners. First, it is important to make sure that your website is designed with the user in mind. This means making sure that your website is easy to navigate, has informative and accurate content, and does not contain any misleading or deceptive elements.

Second, you need to be careful about the links that you build to your website. Avoid using link building services or other methods that could be seen as manipulative by Google. Instead, focus on building links naturally by creating high-quality content that other websites will want to link to.

Check spammy links through free seo tools like search console, moz, ahref, etc and remove it using google disavow tool

Finally, you need to be aware of the latest spam trends and tactics. Google regularly publishes updates to its spam policy, so it is important to stay informed about the latest changes.

How to avoid being penalized for spam

There are a number of things that you can do to avoid being penalized for spam by Google. Here are a few tips:

Make sure your website is compliant with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. The Webmaster Guidelines are a set of rules and recommendations that Google has published to help website owners create high-quality websites that are friendly to users and search engines. Read Here

Avoid using black hat SEO techniques. Black hat SEO techniques are unethical or manipulative practices that are used to try to improve a website’s ranking in Google search results. Google frowns on black hat SEO techniques, and using them can result in your website being penalized or even banned from Google search results.

Be honest and upfront with your users. Your website should be clear and transparent about its purpose and content. Avoid making false or misleading claims, and make sure that your website is easy for users to contact you if they have any questions or concerns.

What to do if you have been penalized for spam

If you think that your website has been penalized for spam, there are a few things that you can do:

Check your Google Search Console account. The Search Console is a free tool that Google provides to website owners. It can give you insights into how your website is performing in Google search results and can help you identify any potential spam issues.

Fix any spam issues that you find. If you find any spammy content or links on your website, remove them immediately. You should also make sure that your website is compliant with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.

Submit a reconsideration request. Once you have fixed any spam issues, you can submit a reconsideration request to Google. Google will then review your website and determine whether to lift the penalty.

Submit your request here : Click Here


Google’s new spam policy is designed to protect users from low-quality and deceptive websites. By following the tips above, you can avoid being penalized for spam and ensure that your website is visible to users in Google search results.

Here are some additional tips for avoiding spam:

  • Use a reputable web hosting provider. A good web hosting provider will have policies in place to prevent spammers from using their servers to send spam.
  • Keep your website software up to date. Outdated software can contain vulnerabilities that spammers can exploit.
  • Use strong passwords for your website and other online accounts. This will help to prevent spammers from gaining unauthorized access to your website.
  • Be careful about the information that you share online. Do not give out your personal information to websites that you do not trust.
  • Report spam to Google. If you see spam in your Gmail inbox or in Google search results, you can report it to Google. Click Here To Report Spam

By following these tips, you can help to keep the internet a spam-free place for everyone.

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