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Website Making Cost In India Free ?

Website Making Cost in India

In this digital world, having an online presence is very important for every everson, It’s play a important role in our daily life. Doesn’t matter what we do we have to get updated along with the digital world.

An online presence for individuals and for business is very important. Whether you have a small businesses, if you want to expand your business then an online presence will expand your business along the world and helps you to earn money through it. One of the online presence is by creating a portfolio, a simple website or a business website all depends on your business.

For India one of the Common question is ” What is the cost of making a website in India? “. We will break down the various factors that influence website making costs in India.

Factors Affecting Website Making Costs

Type of Website

The first factor that significantly impacts the cost of making a website is the type of website you need. Websites cost can vary on design and purposes. Here are three common categories:

Simple Personal Website:

  • If you need a basic website to showcase your portfolio or resume, it will be more cost-effective or you can say free if you not required any custom domain
  • Such websites contains some texts with images and videos with a valid contact information in it.

Business Website:

  • A website for a small or medium-sized business, which may include features like e-commerce functionality, will be pricier.
  • Business websites required more pages with more function including e commerce website s, which will cost you more.

Complex Web Applications:

  • Building sophisticated web applications or platforms can be quite expensive.
  • These may include social media networks, online marketplaces, or advanced software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms.

Web Design

The design of your website plays a important role in costing. You have two primary options:

Custom Design:

  • Custom web design cost you more because you have to additionally to the web designer to design a desire website. It’s depends on web design and the web designer fee. It will generally cost more than using pre-made templates.
  • Custom designs offer uniqueness and can be tailored to your branding.

Template-Based Design:

  • Pre-made templates are more budget-friendly and can be customized according to your need just required time according to your design. It will generally cost you less than 100$ if you are using wordpress
  • They are a quicker options but lacks in custom web design but you can setup it whenever you want not required much knowledge.

Domain and Hosting:

The most important things to make a brand is domain name . A custom domain name according to your company name will make a brand on online world (e.g., and required hosting services.

If you want to make a portfolio or a simple blog website to earn money go with blogger. It doesn’t required hosting also any custom domain to earn money. If want to show a brand then go for custom domain.

Domain Registration:

  • Purchasing a domain name can cost anywhere from ₹500 to ₹1,500 per year. It’s depends on domain type
  • Premium domains can cost you some more.
  • You need to renew your domain annually or buy in bundle to get lowest price for the domain.

Hosting Services:

  • Hosting costs vary based on the provider and the type of hosting (shared, VPS, dedicated).
  • Expect to pay anywhere from ₹1,000 to ₹5,000 or more per year.
  • Hosting is typically billed monthly or annually. It’s depends on your usage if you want to run a big website with many functions or you have too much audience then it will cost you more.

Content Creation:

The content on your website, including text, images, and videos, is a significant cost factor. You have several options:

DIY Content Creation:

  • Creating content yourself can save money but may require time and expertise.

Hiring Freelancers:

  • Hiring writers, photographers, or videographers can add to the cost but ensures high-quality content.

Stock Content:

  • Purchasing stock photos, videos, or graphics is an option for those on a tight budget.

Functionality and Features:

The specific features and functionality you want on your website can have a substantial impact on costs. Examples include:

  • E-commerce functionality for online stores
  • Booking and reservation systems
  • User registration and login
  • Integration with third-party services and APIs Adding more features generally increases development time and costs by oer usage.

Maintenance and Updates:

Once your website is live, it requires ongoing maintenance and updates. Consider these aspects:

  • Regular maintenance and updates are essential for the security and performance of your website.
  • Budget for ongoing maintenance costs, which can vary depending on the complexity of your website.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

If you want to improve your website’s visibility on search engines like Google, you may need to invest in SEO services. This can be an ongoing expense as SEO is an evolving field.

You can also use free services like google webmaster tool, google analytics, bing webmaster tool, yandex webmaster tool and many more. Website Making Cost In India

Website Making Cost Breakdown

Now, let’s provide a rough estimate for website making costs in India based on the type of website:

Simple Personal Website:

If you want to pay some money

  • Domain and Hosting: ₹1,500 – ₹3,500 per year
  • Custom Design: ₹5,000 – ₹10,000
  • Content Creation: Varies
  • Total Cost: ₹6,500 – ₹13,500 (initial setup)

For free website

  • Use blogger
  • Custom Domain if required ( 500 – 1500 )
  • Use Free Theme or Premium ( 1000-2000 )
  • Write your content by your self
  • Total cost : 0 or 500 – 1500 annually and One fixed Cost for theme for life time
Business Website:
  • Domain and Hosting: ₹1,500 – ₹5,000 per year
  • Custom Design: ₹10,000 – ₹30,000
  • Content Creation: Varies
  • Functionality and Features: ₹5,000 – ₹20,000 (or more)
  • Total Cost: ₹16,500 – ₹55,000 (initial setup)
Complex Web Applications:
  • Costs can range from ₹50,000 to several lakhs, depending on complexity.
  • These projects often involve ongoing development and maintenance costs.

Remember that these are rough estimates, and actual costs can vary significantly based on your specific requirements and the web development company or freelancer you choose. Website Making Cost In India

Tips for Cost Optimization

Building a website within your budget is possible with proper planning and consideration. Here are some tips for cost optimization:

  1. Plan Ahead: Clearly define your website’s goals and features to avoid unnecessary expenses. A well-thought-out plan helps you stay on track.
  2. DIY vs. Hiring: Consider your skills and available time. Sometimes, doing things yourself can save money, but it may compromise quality. Balance your resources wisely.
  3. Compare Quotes: Get quotes from multiple web developers or agencies to find competitive rates. Don’t forget to ask about ongoing maintenance costs.
  4. Ongoing Costs: Don’t forget to budget for domain and hosting renewals, as well as ongoing maintenance. Keep these expenses in mind when planning your website budget.


The Website Making Cost In India can vary significantly based on your needs and choices. It’s essential to plan carefully, consider your budget, and prioritize features that are crucial for your online presence. By doing so, you can create a website that suits your needs without breaking the bank. Remember that investing in a quality website can be a valuable asset for personal branding or business growth in the digital world.

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